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    Tikes Bikes — merger

    TikesBikes is now a division of WeeBikeShop!

    TikesBikes is now a division of WeeBikeShop!

    We're pleased to announce that TikesBikes customers are now in the care of the largest balance bike importer and distributor in the country- WeeBikeShop Inc.

    WeeBikeShop's CEO and co-owner, Ivan M Altinbasak, has been an elite cycling competitor for the past 30 years and has been engaged in the sale of balance bikes since 2007.

    "Tikes Bikes has always been a top performing authorized dealer of our house brands [like the Ridgeback Scoot and the Yedoo TooToo]. When the opportunity to own and manage came into view, the decision to close the deal came very naturally thanks to a great relationship with it's owners for the past five years."

    The two brands WeeBikeShop and TikesBikes now combine to be the largest and most reputable team of balance bike distributors in the industry.